Our sister company has been manufacturing products to meet our demands for components to allow the best (most musically convincing) audio systems to perform at the limits of what is possible. To this end they offer a range of power distribution and isolation products which we believe are essential to realise musically convincing performance.
With the introduction of a new composite material, AcouPlex, MusicWorks have significantly raised our ability to offer state of the art music making systems.
If you want to discover more about what MusicWorks products can do for your system give us a call.
For most of its existence MusicWorks has made products that are loved by a select group of audiophiles who ‘get’ what they do. Marketing and reviews have been virtually non existant.
Despite this, some products have escaped our bubble to find their way into some very exotic systems indeed. Roy Gregory, founding editor of HiFi+ magazine, and now a consultant running an ultra high end listening and review facility in France, uses MusicWorks products in his reference system.
Steve Dickinson, a reviewer for HiFi+ and gy8.eu, reviews AcouPlex here:
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